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On Her Own
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On Her Own
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On Her Own

Alison Brownstone Book 2
Martha Carr(Author) Michael Anderle(Author) Judith Berens(Author)

What’s the harm in taking a break from protecting the city for one date? Alison is about to find out....

Bounty hunter license in hand and attitude in place, Alison is ready to house-train the city’s malevolent magicals. But even a Brownstone needs a little downtime! Cleansing Seattle of the Eastern Union’s threat was hard business.

Exhausted and dripping with sweat at the gym, she collides with a man who gets her pulse pounding. Great first impression...

Courting can be tricky when you’re busy taking out the neighborhood trash and facing off assassination attempts by power-armored goons. Add in an unknown entity attempting to hack her computer and an ancient Oriceran Drow woman searching for a princess to worship. Finding time to enjoy a date quickly slips from the top spot of Alison’s to-do list.

Michael Anderle Martha Carr Judith Berens
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