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Book 17: Forever Defend Audiobook
Book 17: Forever Defend Audiobook
Book 17: Forever Defend Audiobook
Book 17: Forever Defend Audiobook

Book 17: Forever Defend Audiobook

The Kurtherian Gambit Book 17
Michael Anderle(Author)

Some forget why she was called the Queen Bitch. Not anymore.

Bethany Anne is going stir crazy after more than a decade of having to be "The Empress". Now, her advisors have to deal with an Empress who is determined to be on the front line.

The Ixtali's come to the Etheric Empire, hat in hand.

Nathan decides that the best way to handle soft intelligence is to create a new company. What they name the new company should give a clue what it is about.

The Skaine are able to finally get Ranger Tabitha's group right were their missiles can attack. The problem is, who is sucking whom into a trap?

Strap back in, because Bethany Anne is putting the Queen's crown back on.

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